What Makes Emulsions Delicious?

Ready to conquer the culinary challenge of emulsifying two liquids that normally hate each other? Maybe you’re trying to add oil to a vinaigrette dressing, combine cream and stock for a luxurious soup, or even…

Culinary 2’s Amazing Vegetarian Feast 2022

It was an interesting challenge: sophomore culinary students were asked to create a three course meal where EVERY course featured a vegetable. Everyone tried, but only one team earned all the votes.

Here is the vegetarian menu voted as BEST by Culinary 2 students, designed and presented by Culinary 2 students.

I will post photos of the student’s classroom attempts once the project is closer to being completed.

Scones – The Sweet British Biscuit

Scones – the amazing Scottish, English, and Irish teatime treat – are now an American breakfast staple. Americans enjoy their scones much sweeter than overseas (and without the clotted cream and jam) and the recipes are slightly different as a result. This post explains the how and what of making excellent American-style scones.

The Wonderful World of Potatoes

Potatoes are more than something to eat mashed with fried chicken. Although that does sound REALLY delicious. Read this post to gain the basic skills you will need while working with the most popular starch in the world: baking, roasting, mashing, ricing, scalloping, frying, and pan-searing