Ready to conquer the culinary challenge of emulsifying two liquids that normally hate each other? Maybe you’re trying to add oil to a vinaigrette dressing, combine cream and stock for a luxurious soup, or even…
What Makes Emulsions Delicious?

Magnet Academy of Culinary Arts at Wekiva High School
Ready to conquer the culinary challenge of emulsifying two liquids that normally hate each other? Maybe you’re trying to add oil to a vinaigrette dressing, combine cream and stock for a luxurious soup, or even…
Funny thing about restaurants: they have a seeming ENDLESS number of jobs and positions, all which relate back to the STYLE of service. This post attempts to clear it up and make things a bit more simple. Attempts to, anyway.
People have been milking domesticated farm animals as far back as 6,000 years ago. That cow, goat, or yak milk (and the things which are made from it, like cheese or ice cream) are collectively…
It was an interesting challenge: sophomore culinary students were asked to create a three course meal where EVERY course featured a vegetable. Everyone tried, but only one team earned all the votes.
Here is the vegetarian menu voted as BEST by Culinary 2 students, designed and presented by Culinary 2 students.
I will post photos of the student’s classroom attempts once the project is closer to being completed.
Everything you need to know to master pizza – the perfect crust, toppings, and sauce to make ’em swoon.
An introduction to professional food evaluation using the 9-Point Hedonic Scale with instructions and methods for conducting a sensory evaluation.
There’s a lot that goes into understanding why we like the foods we do. This series of posts goes in-depth into the biology and chemistry of taste and flavor, how to use that knowledge to make a perfectly balanced meal, and how professionals o about evaluating taste and flavor.
Scones – the amazing Scottish, English, and Irish teatime treat – are now an American breakfast staple. Americans enjoy their scones much sweeter than overseas (and without the clotted cream and jam) and the recipes are slightly different as a result. This post explains the how and what of making excellent American-style scones.
Potatoes are more than something to eat mashed with fried chicken. Although that does sound REALLY delicious. Read this post to gain the basic skills you will need while working with the most popular starch in the world: baking, roasting, mashing, ricing, scalloping, frying, and pan-searing
Rice Classic Steamed White Rice Steaming rice is all about technique, not recipes. Follow this guide for perfect stove-top rice every time. Rinse the rice until the water runs clear, then soak for 10-15 minutes…